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​Eligible entrants are any private or public company who is a member of OPAL and has implemented any of the listed category practice or solution to enhance organizational decision making or operations. Applicants may nominate themselves for this award, or they may nominate their solution vendors for the recognition award. If you are a solution vendor, you may only nominate yourself if you are submitting an internal best practice implementation that doesn't involve more than implementing your own product.


* ​Organizations can apply in all, and must submit a separate entry form for each category, where each entry is tailored to its category. Winners from a previous year may submit an entry for a significantly enhanced, new or different practice.


A team of judges comprised of OPAL staff and an independent committee called the JURY will evaluate the entries using 

the following criteria:

1. Business Impact:

What is the business value achieved from Best Practice initiative?

2. Maturity:

To what degree has the project’s ‘vision’ been implemented? Has the solution been operating long enough to corroborate business impact and growth? As a guideline, note that most judges look for projects that have proven track record of at least twelve months of successful operation. Exceptions may be made for emerging technologies and methods or other best practices that are too new to be involved, but demonstrate already benefits of implementation.

3. Relevance:

Does the project exemplify best practices that other companies can adopt? OPAL defines a best practice as a successful approach that is portable across many types of user organizations, industries, vendor platforms, and technologies. In the essay, be sure the company is highlighting the best practices and how they may be applied by other users and ease of implementation.

4. Innovation:

Does the solution use an innovative design or approach? Innovation can relate to technology, business, organization, methodology, and so on. Judges will examine these criteria in the context of the award category you selected. So make sure you explain how your project and its distinguishing features relate to the award category in applied form.


OPAL may declare multiple winners per category if multiple entries merit recognition. OPAL may also decline to declare

a winner if the judges feel none of the entrants in that category represent a laudable best practice.

Deadline : 5 September 2024 

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